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Open Call to join Think Big! Network

Grands Formats is a French federation of artists which set up a European network for jazz and improvised music large ensembles four years ago, called Think Big!. The network is launching a call for applications to join in 2022.

Applications for corona subsidies are now open

Ministry of Education and Culture is granting additional subsidies for cultural sector associations and operatives during the COVID-19 crisis. The subsidies are directed i.a. at national art institutions, cultural associations and professionals, museums, orchestras and theaters as well as operatives in the film industry. Deadline for the ministry subsidies is 14th May 2020.

YAMawards deadline 4th May 2020!

The Young Audiences Music Awards (YAMawards) are looking for the world's best live music productions for young audiences. Call for applications is open until 4th May 2020.