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Apply to Jazz Federation tours and Jazz-Espa!

In the fall season 2023, Finnish Jazz Federation produces two tours as inhouse productions, on September 11–24, 2023 and October 9–22, 2023, and supports the production costs of two externally produced tours. The call is also out for artists to perform at the Jazz-Espa concert series in Helsinki in July–August 2023! The application opens on October 10, and closes on November 7, 2022.

Apply with your band to Nordic Jazz Comets!

The Nordic network of national jazz organizations and club & festival promotors opens a call for bands to participate in a showcase and educational event in Sweden on May 11–12, 2023. The deadline for applying is September 30, 2022.

Villa Karo’s residency open call for 2023 closes September 19

Villa Karo is a Finnish-African cultural center, which is located in the village of Grand-Popo, Benin, West Africa. The center’s goal is to enhance the African knowledge of Finnish cultural figures, promote collaboration between Finnish and African artists and researchers as well as to support Finland and Benin’s cultural exchange.

Survey for disabled artists and artists who are Sign Language users on applying for grants – DL 5 September, 2022

The project Making space for artistry - equity for disabled artists and artists who are Sign Language users will organize a training session for the members of Association for Finnish Foundations in September. The members are foundations operating in Finland that fund art creation. In the training, the project can present them with facts about what kind of obstacles there are in applying for and receiving grants. If you want to contribute, the project would be grateful if you would answer the survey via the link below.

Orchestra, concert organiser or venue: join the live music climate action!

The Finnish live music industry joins forces in two sustainability projects this year to measure the carbon footprint of the business, and to build a digital planning toolkit for sustainable development. Jazz Finland administrates the projects in 2022–2023, and the steering group consists of the main umbrella organisations in Finnish live music. 

Equality in the Music Industry Survey – deadline 8 March

Finnish Musicians’ Union, Finnish Music Creators, Music Finland, IFPI Finland, The Collective Management Organisation for Recorded Music in Finland, Jazz Finland, The Finnish Music Publishers Association, Association of Finnish Symphony Orchestras, The Society of Finnish Composers and Finnish Composers’ Copyright Society Teosto are inviting all members of the Finnish music industry to participate in a short survey on the topic of equality in the music industry.