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Olli Ahvenlahti Celebrates 75th Birthday with Jazz Federation Tour in October

Olli Ahvenlahti, who has had an exceptionally extensive and versatile career in Finnish music, turned 75 this year and is celebrating it with a national concert tour organized by the Finnish Jazz Federation from October 8th to 13th. The tour will feature the new Olli Ahvenlahti New Quintet – The Poet Vol. 2, performing jazz-funk compositions from Ahvenlahti’s Mirror Mirror album, which was released in the spring of 2024. The tour begins in Joensuu on October 8th, followed by stops in Kuopio, Lahti, Savonlinna, Raahe, and Tornio.

Adele Sauros Quartet on a Jazz Finland tour in September

Saxophonist Adele Sauros’ quartet will be performing in seven locations across Finland this September. Following the release of their latest album, the group embarked on an extensive international tour in the spring of 2024, and their ensemble playing is at its highest level ever.

Pauli Lyytinen and Jacky Molard & François Corneloup Quartet on Joint Production Tour by Finnish Jazz Federation and Vapaat Äänet

The 36th joint production tour by the Finnish Jazz Federation and Vapaat Äänet agency in September-October 2024 will bring together saxophonist Pauli Lyytinen’s solo project and the Jacky Molard & François Corneloup Quartet. This Finnish-French journey through the worlds of jazz and world music will reach Seinäjoki, Raahe, Kajaani, Oulu, and Espoo. In addition, Pauli Lyytinen will perform solo in eight other locations in Finland, while the Jacky Molard & François Corneloup Quartet will independently perform in Kalajoki.

Jazz-Espa sai sadepilvet väistymään – juhlavuoden monipuolinen ohjelma kiinnosti yleisöä

Suomen Jazzliiton järjestämä Jazz-Espa juhli 25-vuotista historiaansa pääosin poutaisessa kesäsäässä. Viikon mittainen Jazz-Espa toimii vuosittain ikkunana monipuoliseen suomalaiseen jazzmusiikkiin ja tämän kaupunkifestivaalin maanantaina 29.7. avannut Helsingin apulaispormestari Paavo Arhinmäki muistuttikin puheessaan, että tapahtuma on myös kansainvälisessä mittakaavassa harvinaislaatuinen kulttuurituotanto kaupunkilaisille ja matkailijoille.

DEADLINE May 31st: Young Music Artist Residency in Denmark Nov 2024 (Ages 18-35)

Swinging Europe is excited to announce the open call for the “MEETING POINT” project, an enriching two-year residency exchange program designed for emerging musicians, performing artists, dancers, and visual artists. This initiative is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union and takes place across four vibrant cultural centers: Herning and Holstebro in Denmark, Athens in Greece, and Warsaw in Poland.