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News -page consists of current topics and interesting articles about jazz in Finland. 

Jumpru x OMJ Jazzpatio on summer Tuesdays from 14 June onward

Jumpru's patio will host concerts from jazz bands of the Oulu region and a few visitors every Tuesday from 14 June to 9 August. The summer jazz patio is implemented in cooperation with Oulu Music Festival, Jumpru Pub and The Finnish Music Foundation. The summer jazz concerts will finish with Manuel Dunkel Quartet's visit to Jumpru's Patio on the Night of the Arts on Thursday 18 August. Admission to the concerts is free.

Safe at Every Stage – guidance for creating a safe music industry for all published

The Finnish music industry has developed Safe at Every Stage - Creating a music industry that’s safe for all guidance to eradicate harassment, discrimination and inappropriate treatment from the industry. The guidelines have been prepared jointly by Finnish Musicians’ Union, Finnish Music Creators, Music Finland, Finnish Live Entertainment Agency Association (SOA), Association of Finnish Symphony Orchestras, Finnish Music Publishers Association, IFPI Finland, Society of Finnish Composers, LiveFIN, Teosto Music Copyright Association and. Finnish National Opera and Ballet

The 2nd Saimaa Jazz Festival in Savonlinna to be held over nine days

Saimaa Jazz Festival, which is being held for the second time, will bring a total of more than 10 bands to the Savonlinna Cultural Cellar to perform from 2 to 10 July 2022. Five of the concert days culminate in jams open to the public. Branden Lewis (USA) will be the festival's international headliner.

Jazz Finland hosts an online coffee break on June 7, at noon–2 pm

Jazz Finland calls all jazz professionals to join an online discussion "Jazzkahvit" on June 7 at 12–14.00. The topic of the forum is climate action on live jazz industry. The event is hosted in Finnish, but there will be an English summary available after the event.