The Finnish music industry has developed Safe at Every Stage - Creating a music industry that’s safe for all guidance to eradicate harassment, discrimination and inappropriate treatment from the industry. The guidelines have been prepared jointly by Finnish Musicians’ Union, Finnish Music Creators, Music Finland, Finnish Live Entertainment Agency Association (SOA), Association of Finnish Symphony Orchestras, Finnish Music Publishers Association, IFPI Finland, Society of Finnish Composers, LiveFIN, Teosto Music Copyright Association and. Finnish National Opera and Ballet
The purpose of this guidance is to offer clear advice to members on how to tackle harassment and inappropriate behaviour at your local level.
The guidance is available in both Finnish and English at
The site contains guidelines, good practices and useful links, as well as ideas on how to act if you see or experience harassment, discrimination or inappropriate treatment. The instructions can also be used to mirror your own actions – the instructions provide support for resolving issues and re-learning.
There will be an open discussion on the themes of the guidance on Tuesday, August 16, 2022. Details of the event will be published later.
Additional input for the guidance was provided by Ekvalita and the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. The project was coordinated by Finnish Musicians’ Union.
For further information, please contact:
Anna Dantchev
Community Coordinator, Finnish Musicians’ Union