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News -page consists of current topics and interesting articles about jazz in Finland. 

Learn sustainability with new Elma features, a digital sustainability platform tailored specifically for the live music sector, was launched in September. Elma is based on the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, and to celebrate the United Nations Day, October 24, Elma releases a crash course learning set. The project is administered by Finnish Jazz Federation and steered by KEMUT network. 

Jazz Finland Residency welcomes pianist-bandleader Guillermo Klein

Jazz Finland, Sibelius Academy Jazz Music Department at Uniarts Helsinki, UMO Helsinki Jazz Orchestra and the Finnish Musicians’ Union launched a new international jazz residency program in August 2021. The program is happy to feature Argentinian-born pianist, composer and band leader Guillermo Klein as the next artist-in-residence from October 23rd until November 13th.

Dalindèo on Jazz Federation's co-produced tour in October

Finally! The long-awaited tour by the Dalindèo celebrates their latest album Follow the Dark Money. The tour by the Valtteri Laurell Pöyhönen-led sextet had to be postponed several times, but now they take the stages in Kuopio, Jyväskylä, Helsinki and Savonlinna.

Mirja Mäkelä Trio tops the Jazz Federation pilot tour series

Finnish Jazz Federation develops the sustainability of touring concepts. During fall 2022, we study the emissions of seven differently produced tours, and collect data about their impacts and user experiences. The last of the pilots features singer-songwriter Mirja Mäkelä’s trio on a record-release tour.

Varre Vartiainen tours Finland by train

Finnish Jazz Federation develops the sustainability of touring concepts. During fall 2022, we study the emissions of seven differently produced tours, and collect data about their impacts and user experiences. The sixth of the pilot tours sees guitarist Varre Vartiainen and his quartet to travel by train to play Almost Standards in six cities across Finland.

Iro Haarla tours Australia in October

Sydney Improvised Music Association SIMA has invited musician Iro Haarla as a guest to several projects in October 2022. Haarla will perform at three festivals in Melbourne, Wangaratta and Sydney.