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News -page consists of current topics and interesting articles about jazz in Finland. 

Jazz Finland and Yle Jazz Radio decorated jazz powerhouses in Tampere – Yrjö Award to trumpeter Jukka Eskola

Finland’s most prestigious jazz awards were celebrated on the 4th of November at Tampere Jazz Happening. Jazz Finland granted the Yrjö prize to trumpeter-bandleader Jukka Eskola, and acknowledged drummer-influencer Reiska Laine with the Andania Award for lifetime achievement in Finnish jazz. Yle Jazz Radio presented their “Shadow-Yrjö” recognition to Sibelius Academy’s student advisor Anne Etelätalo.

Tampere Jazz Happening Begins Today

The 41st Tampere Jazz Happening starts today, on Thursday the 3rd of November 2022. This year 25 ensembles and more than 130 musicians will perform at the festival altogether.

Apply to Jazz Federation tours and Jazz-Espa!

In the fall season 2023, Finnish Jazz Federation produces two tours as inhouse productions, on September 11–24, 2023 and October 9–22, 2023, and supports the production costs of two externally produced tours. The call is also out for artists to perform at the Jazz-Espa concert series in Helsinki in July–August 2023! The application opens on October 10, and closes on November 7, 2022.