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News -page consists of current topics and interesting articles about jazz in Finland. 


Pianist and composer Kari Ikonen has been awarded the annual "Yrjö" award as the Finnish Jazz Musician of the Year. The Finnish Jazz Federation presented the accolade to Ikonen in Oulu on Saturday October 19 during the Finnish Jazz Convention. "Yrjö" is considered the highest accolade in Finnish jazz.

International reviews and articles to Jazz Finland

If you notice album or live reviews or articles on Finnish jazz, interviews on Finnish musicians or other international, edited web material, please share the link or text with us and leave a note to press(at) We'll publish the texts in original language in our blog section and aim for creating them a section of their own in the future, if it seems that we're receiving a lot of material.

Finnish Jazz Convention in Oulu on October 18 - 19

The annual Finnish Jazz Convention is an event bringing together many of the key figures on the field of Finnish jazz. Traditionally the Jazz Convention is organized by a member organization of the Finnish Jazz Federation. This year's concert program is produced by the Oulu-based Jazz 20 association. The recipient of the Yrjö Award will also be published in the headliner concert on Saturday.

Young Nordic Jazz Comets review in All About Jazz

Journalist Henning Bolte reviewed the whole Europe Jazz Network showcase weekend in Trondheim, Norway in September 12nd - 15th. As a part of the article he also dug into the Young Nordic Jazz Comets showcase night.