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Kalle Salonen's Hammond club series begins in Bar Loose


Hammond organ player Kalle Salonen hosts a new club in Bar Loose, starting in November. Salonen and his houseband play their own material, and the guest's compositions that are arranged for Hammond.

19.11.2013 guest: Marko Haavisto
17.12.2013 guest: Jukka Gustavson

21.01.2014 TBA
11.02.2014 TBA

Salonen's band:  
Hannu Pikkarainen (Vesa-Matti Loiri, Aki Sirkesalo), Antero Priha (J. Karjalainen ja Mustat lasit, UMO), Pekka Gröhn (J. Karjalainen, Kauko Röyhkä), Panu Syrjänen (Marjo Leinonen) and Teuvo Merkkiniemi (Jokivarren blues, Kylmäahon perhe)

Kalle Salonen is one of the rare examples in the history of Finnish pop music; he is disabled, but nevertheless makes his own music.  He practices at Lyhty Association's Culture Workshop Valo, which is known for Pertti Kurikka's Name Day (The Punk Syndrome film). Lyhty is ethically set up to promote the status of disabled people in Finland.


