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News -page consists of current topics and interesting articles about jazz in Finland. 

JazzHUG club series continues in VinVin

Helsinki Jazz Underground collective promotes Finnish jazz both on record and live. Their JazzHUG club nights have been an instant hit and there seems to be no end to the success story so far. JazzHUG presents four monthly duo concerts in the wine bar VinVin in Helsinki center. All the concerts are free of charge.

Flame Jazz Cruise III on Viking Grace on Saturday

See the rap-jazz big band Julkinen Sana, dance jazz band Dalindéo and so much more on the brand new Viking Grace cruise ship. Flame Jazz hosts an all-nighter of some of the coolest jazz Finland has to offer right now!

TTT-club series opens wit a full house

Tampere's Työväen Teatteri theatre has set up a series of jazz concerts called "TTT-klubi". The three club nights take place in the theatre's restaurant. The opening night is already sold out, but there's still a chance to get tickets for the two upcoming concerts.

PLOP on record release tour

Six-year old rascal PLOP trio release their second album per se on vinyl-LP and tour Finland in the end of September. The Helsinki-based combo is the favourite of all avantgarde jazz fans.

Finnish Kadi Quartet performed in the Nordic YNJC showcase for European jazz professionals

Six young and talented bands got on stage at the annual Young Nordic Jazz Comets showcase in Norway's Trondheim yesterday night. For the first time the event took place within Europe Jazz Network's General Assembly. EJN is the network for European jazz professionals, so Kadi Quartet got an audience of festival promoters, concert organizers, jazz media and other key figures in the industry.