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News -page consists of current topics and interesting articles about jazz in Finland. 

Jazz-Espa sai sadepilvet väistymään – juhlavuoden monipuolinen ohjelma kiinnosti yleisöä

Suomen Jazzliiton järjestämä Jazz-Espa juhli 25-vuotista historiaansa pääosin poutaisessa kesäsäässä. Viikon mittainen Jazz-Espa toimii vuosittain ikkunana monipuoliseen suomalaiseen jazzmusiikkiin ja tämän kaupunkifestivaalin maanantaina 29.7. avannut Helsingin apulaispormestari Paavo Arhinmäki muistuttikin puheessaan, että tapahtuma on myös kansainvälisessä mittakaavassa harvinaislaatuinen kulttuurituotanto kaupunkilaisille ja matkailijoille.

Jazz, Prog, and Blues in TTT-Klubi's Diverse Musical Autumn

The TTT-Klubi, a restaurant stage at the Tampere Workers' Theatre, offers a setting for a musical program that, in addition to comedy and stand-up, can be described as remarkably diverse in content. Various phenomena and creators of rhythmic music will also find their place in autumn 2024.

Jazz-Espa Anniversary Year offers Diverse Music Program and Jazz Talks

Jazz-Espa offers the hottest jazz in Helsinki once again at the turn of July and August. In addition to current jazz concerts, the week-long urban festival from July 29 to August 3, 2024, features interesting discussions about the future of jazz and music journalism. A new highlight of the anniversary year is Jazz- Espa's Children's Saturday, with concerts suitable for the whole family.

Korpo Sea Jazz takes place on the last weekend of July

Known for its intimate and experimental nature, Korpo Sea Jazz showcases some of the most intriguing names in contemporary Finnish jazz, such as the internationally renowned jazz guitarist Olli Soikkeli and the young virtuoso Maja Mannila. The festival includes individual concerts and free events held around historical sites in the Korpo archipelago, surrounded by nature and the sea.