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Pertti "Pepa" Päivinen

saxophonist/ composer

Kuva/ Photo: Kimmo Tähtinen


Pertti "Pepa" Päivinen (b. 1955) is an open-minded multi-instrumentalist who breaks borders and whose down-to-earth playing is one of the cornerstones of Finnish jazz. He masters baritone, bass, tenor and soprano saxophones, clarinet, bass clarinet and a variety of flutes. The saxophonist-composer, whose professional career started in the 1970’s, has always had his fingers in many pies. He has, for example, played in the Jukka Tolonen Band, participated in Edward Vesala’s esteemed Sound & Fury workshops in 1984–85 and 1989–97, toured with Anthony Braxton’s Braxtonia, and has been one of the trusted artists of the UMO Jazz Orchestra since the 1980’s. His deep-resonating baritone has also received well-deserved international acclaim. In 2000, the Finnish Jazz Federation awarded his work with the respected Georgie Award.

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Own albums

cover North Pipe 2009 Presence Records
cover Saxigon 1997 Strawberry
cover Jouni's Pipe Dream 2023 Jouni's Pipe Dreams
cover Hirttomiehiä työväenluokalle 2019 Finnish Explosions
cover Felix Culpa 2018 Finnish Explosions
cover Tadpoles 2016 Karkia Mistika Records
cover Lumni 2016 Alba Records
cover Ghost Of A Dog 2014 Presence Records
cover Yarra Yarra 2001 November Music