We Jazz DJs
Kuva/ Photo: Petri Luukkainen
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The collective We Jazz DJs evolved from the club night with the same name, initially hosted by club Kuudes Linja, in Helsinki. In addition to their original home nest We Jazz DJs entertain audiences at various jazz happenings in Finland and abroad.
Preferring solid jazz vinyl, this DJ collective treats us to the best picks, old-school and new, throughout the history of jazz, throwing in the odd Latin, soul or mod tune for good measure. The We Jazz resident pair Matti Nives and Eero Löyttyjärvi is frequently joined by such jazz-savvy jockeys as Teppo "Teddy Rok" Mäkynen, Antti "Fried Monk" Lippo, and Timo Lassy plus occasional quests plying the decks.
The philosophy of We Jazz is cherishing jazz as danceable music, wrapping the audience in the warmth of rhythm and searching for new, fun approaches to the genre. Today, We Jazz DJs can be encountered spinning records both at clubs and festivals.
ed. Annamari Innanen 29.3.2014