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Mikko Sarvanne Garden

Mikko Sarvanne Garden

Kuva: Kalle-Erik Kosonen


  • Aino Juutilainen
  • Jesse Ojajärvi
  • Josefiina Vannesluoma
  • Mikko Sarvanne
  • Oskari Siirtola
  • Selma Savolainen
  • Virva Immonen

Mikko Sarvanne Garden's music offers the listener an otherworldly experience – a synthesizer glowing like a rising sun, deep bass strings rumbling like roots, and the flexible cathedrals of bright vocal melodies envelop the listener in a tender embrace.

The band's first album, Heräämisen valkea myrsky (The White Storm of Awakening), based on Erkka Filander's poetry collection of the same name, was released in October 2022. The compositions on the album were awarded the Teosto Prize in spring 2023.

"Mikko Sarvanne has succeeded in creating a cohesive work, where the musical language of ambient, electronics, acoustic instruments, and elements of nature intertwine into its own universe in an innovative way. The work has a cohesive voice and atmosphere that carries from beginning to end, enveloping the listener in its world." - Teosto Prize jury, spring 2023