Ulf "Uffe" Krokfors
bassist/ composer
Kuva/ Photo: Maarit Kytöharju
Ulf "Uffe" Krokfors (b. 1966) is undoubtly the most hard-working bass player of his generation on the field of modern Finnish jazz. With drummer Markku Ounaskari Krokfors has formed one of the most essential rhythm duos of Finnish jazz.
In 1980s Krokfors played in drummer Edward Vesala's band Sound & Fury and the next decade he spent in guitarist Raoul Björkenheim's group Krakatau. He worked also as a sideman on the field of rock music, e.g. he recorded on the albums of Tuomari Nurmio and Ufo Mustonen, but since the late-1990s he has been concentrating on jazz music. Of the older band leaders i.a. pianists Jarmo Savolainen and Seppo Kantonen and saxophonists Juhani Aaltonen, Sakari Kukko and Esa Pietilä have done co-operation with Krokfors for long. Krokfors has also played in many groups of the younger generation of Finnish jazz, for example in the bands of singer Mirja Mäkelä and pianist Samuli Mikkonen. Krokfors has always been a versatile musician and he possesses the most important features of a jazz bassist.
Krokfors' compositions were heard already in the late-1990s on the albums of Jarmo Savolainen's John's Sons Trio and Seppo Kantonen's Klang. In the 21st century the composition repertoire of Krokfors has grown as he has started to lead his own band with pianist-harpist Iro Haarla. Besides his own bands, Krokfors has had time to play also in the groups of other band leaders, such as the trios of Juhani Aaltonen and Jarmo Savolainen.