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Jukka-Pekka "J-P" Virtanen

pianist/ organist/ keyboardist



Jukka-Pekka "J-P" Virtanen (b. 1966) started his music career with piano lessons, but got interested in the sound of organ in his teens. Virtanen studied for a couple of years  in the Pop & Jazz Conservatory of Oulunkylä but the most important school for Virtanen was the field of jazz in Helsinki where he played actively, especially in the Bullworkers jam sessions of Kappelin kellari in the late-1980s. Virtanen was one of the most active participants in these jam sessions and he played often keyboards also in Cool Sheiks that was born after these jam sessions. Virtanen played also on the debut album of the band, Cool Sheiks (Bulltone 1991).

In the beginning of the 1990s Virtanen gave his heart and soul for Hammond for good and formed his own group, J-P's Organ Trio, where Pekka Lehti played the bass and Janne Haavisto the drums. The debut album Micro Jazz Groove (Profile 1993) predicted the rise of the groovy jazz of Finland. Besides his own group Virtanen had time and energy to work as a sideman on the field of pop and rock music. The most long-lasting work as a sideman for Virtanen was with Agents & Jorma Kääriäinen.

On the next album of the J-P Virtanen Trio Soul Food Party (Texicalli 1997) the name of the band was shortened into The JP's. Now it was finally time for the positive organjazz of Virtanen and the album was played in both the special radio shows and the prime time of some radio channels. The JP's didn't stop there: they performed actively especially at the new club nights of the metropolitan area. The next two albums were released in 1998 and 1999 and they continued the same style as the first one, offering groovy organjazz. At about the same time Virtanen started his career as a jazz producer, first with the sublabel of Texicalli, Impala, and later with the Blue Note label of EMI Finland.

Soon The JP's had to however slow down their performing pace and when the band celebrated their 10th Anniversary in 2004 they released the album Testament (Texicalli) as their last album. Virtanen has continued his career as a record producer but he has performed on the field of jazz less.