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Jukka Haavisto


Photo: Janne Tarmio



Master of fretless bass, jazz fusion & world music fusion and improvisation. Jukka Haavisto is a bass virtuoso from Finland, a studio and live musician who currently plays and performs with his group, Jukka Haavisto, which was established and released its debut album Reflections in 2022.

Haavisto has performed with different directors, artists, and line-ups such as Bossapoika; Beat, Bass & Bone; Heiskanen Bayatz Baharat; and, Helsinki Headnod Convention. Haavisto studied at University of Stavanger Institute of Music and Dance, and graduated as a Master of Music Performance & Jazz Improvisation in 2016. Currently he is known for his fretless bass, jazz fusion, and world-music fusion compositions, and skillful improvisations.

Haavisto is sponsored by Aguilar Amplification, Soundtools, and Maruszczyk Instruments. His resumé of previous collaboration partners includes a wide variety of musicians and composers such as Erik Rothenstein, Flaco de Nerja, Marc Bernstein, Marouf Majidi, Mika Säily, Mikko Hassinen, Jarno E.J. Tikka, Johannes Ulveraker, Jouni Järvelä, Jussu Pöyhönen, Robin Methlie, and Stein Inge Brækhus.

Haavisto's band is comprised of Johannes Granroth, the recent winner of the Jazzkukko Festival's Guitar Competition; Severi Sorjonen, one of the best jazz-fusion drummers of his generation; and the keyboard wizard Vili Itäpelto. The band is currently focussed on upcoming studio sessions and performances throughout Europe and North America.