Windows open! Let's celebrate and keep the spirit of Hiekkarannantie alive and the flag of creativity flying.
Hietsu is Happening!, which began its activities in 2016, is hosting its fiftieth event at Hietsun Paviljonki on Thursday, June 13 at 7 PM. The event promises a rich, diverse, and even surprising lineup of music from various genres and eras. Performing artists include singer Selma Savolainen, percussionist Sami Kontola, violinist Eriikka Maalismaa, cellist Joanna Hanhikoski, bassist Antti Lötjönen, guitarist Petri Kumela, and saxophonist Mikko Innanen.
The celebration also honors the centenary of the literary group Tulenkantajat (The Torchbearers) and has delved into Yleisradio's archive treasure trove. The event will feature, among other things, readings from Katri Vala's debut poetry collection published 100 years ago, recited by Elli Tompuri and Tarja-Tuulikki Tarsala, as well as works by Elmer Diktonius and Olavi Paavolainen. Additionally, cultural remarks by historical figures such as Urho Kekkonen and Kalevi Sorsa will be included.
Yleisradio will broadcast the event live on the YLE Radio 1 channel.
Hietsun Paviljonki, originally built as a beach changing room, is at its best during the summer with its maritime atmosphere. A fine program combined with a bright summer evening and the electrifying ambiance of a live radio broadcast guarantees an unforgettable experience.
Hietsu is Happening! nro 50 | Ikkunat auki!
Hietsun Paviljonki (Hiekkarannantie 9, Helsinki)
Thu 13.6. 19:00
Tickets: €25 / €10 (students/unemployed/conscripts) from Hietsu is Happening! online store.