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Sello Hall’s 20th anniversary program for spring published


Sello Hall again offers experiences for every taste. In the spring season, the program includes rising stars in the pop world and brilliant favorites, long-standing jazz and world music names and, of course, also charming performances for the whole family.

Jazz and world music will again be strongly featured in Sello Hall’s spring: there will be new music by Valtteri Laurell Nonet, featuring legendary Antti Sarpila as a guest. The wonderful composer-pianist Iro Haarla plays ballads for a jazz quintet. In April, the folk music festival JuuriJuhla is topped off by the Hungarian band Muzsikás, who are celebrating their 50-year amazing career. The concerts of the opening weekend of the April Jazz festival can be enjoyed on April 21–22, 2023.

See full Sello Hall's full program at: 
