Six-year old rascal PLOP trio release their second album per se on vinyl-LP and tour Finland in the end of September. The Helsinki-based combo is the favourite of all avantgarde jazz fans.
per se is a follow-up to PLOP's 2009 debut-CD an sich. PLOP are celebrating the event by playing a string of five concerts in Finland in September. PLOP are Ville Herrala (bass), Mikko Innanen (sax) and Joonas Riippa(drums). The recording was made live in Sellosali in September 2012 by Benoit Delbecq and Miles Perkin. The album comes out on Fiasko Records.
Record release tour:
Wed 25.9. klo 19 Flame Jazz, Turun seudun musiikkiopisto
Thu 26.9. klo 20.30 Suisto Klubi Hämeenlinna
Fri 27.9. klo 19 Pikkuteatteri, Lahti
Sat 28.9. klo 21 Koko Jazz Club, Helsinki
Sun 29.9. Tietotalo, Jokioinen