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Oddarrang's upcoming release explores the world of films


In Cinema album takes Oddarrang's sounds deep into visual storytelling. The release concert is also a film concert at the We Jazz 2013 festival in December

Oddarrang is a postmodern jazz-indie band led by drummer-composer Olavi Louhivuori. Oddarrang's special instrumentation of guitar, cello, trombone, bass and drums and cinematic compositions take the ensemble close to likes of Sigur Rós and Mogwai - but with jazzy roots. They release their third album 'In Cinema' on the 18th of October in Finland. The record comes out on the British Edition Records label. 

The release concert is part of the We Jazz 2013 festival.

Oddarrang: In Cinema
Album Release Concert
Wed, 11 December at 7pm
Cinema Andorra (Eerikinkatu 11)

Tickets 15 € + service fee, Tiketti)
