Pirkanmaan Saksofonifestivaali (PSF) takes place from 13 to 15 of March 2020 in Tampere.
New saxophone festival PSF features concerts, orchestral training and a master course. Three different saxophone orchestras allow players of all ages and skill level to participate and play together. Master course is held by top-notch teachers from Sibelius Academy: Joonatan Rautiola (classical) and Manuel Dunkel (jazz).
The event is organised by a group of saxophone teachers from Tampere, Pirkanmaan musiikkiopisto and the Conservatory of Tampere together with the Federation of Tampere Ev. Luth. Parishes. The festival takes place at the Conservatory of Tampere between Friday 13 and Sunday 15 of March and climaxes with a saxophone orchestras concert at the Tampere Cathedral on Sunday at six o’clock.
Two other saxophone concerts take place in Tampere during the festival: Esa Pietilä (saxophone) and Petur Sakari (organ) perform at the Alexander Church on 13 March at seven o’clock and saxophone quartet Aava is heard at the Conservatory of Tampere’s Pyynikkisali on Saturday 14 March at seven o’clock.
The artistic committee of the event is comprised of conductor Anna-Leena Lumme, saxophonists Petri Nieminen, Kalle Oittinen and Masa Orpana.
Concerts open to the puclic:
Fri 13.3. at 19 Alexander Church: Esa Pietilä, saxophone and Petur Sakari, organ
La 14.3. klo 19 Pyynikkisali, Conservatory of Tampere: Saksofonikvartetti AAVA
Su 15.3. klo 18 Tampere Cathedral: Closing concert of PSF