Finnish Jazz Federation develops the sustainability of touring concepts. During fall 2022, the emissions of seven differently produced tours are measured, and user experiences are collected. The fourth of the pilot tours takes the innovative Jazzup! project to perform in fifteen school concerts and five club concerts during October 3–7!
Jazzup! is a project by four seasoned jazz professionals and Konserttikeskus (“Concert center”) who organize school and elderly home concert tours around Finland. The collaboration has spawned a repertoire that draws inspiration from the nature, and resonates with all ages from kids to seniors.
Pianist Riitta Paakki, saxophonist Max Zenger, drummer Mikko Hassinen and bassist Antti Ahoniemi have created a blend of ear-hugging music that is appreciated on this tour by the school children during days, and the grown-ups during nights. The co-operative tour by the Jazz Federation and Konserttikeskus requires stamina from the band: during the tour leg of six days, the quartet sets onstage a wild 20 times!
The tour is a part of The Finnish Jazz Federation’s Carbon-Neutral Tour Model project in 2022–2023. On this tour, the quartet also maps the carbon footprint of touring as a part of the climate charting of the Finnish live music business.
Jazzup! – Concerts for clubs and schools on tour in October
Max Zenger – saxophone, woodwinds, Riitta Paakki – piano, Mikko Hassinen – drums, Antti Ahoniemi – double bass
In co-operation with: Konserttikeskus
Club concert dates:
Mon 3.10. at 7.00 pm Imatra, Kulttuuritalo Virta, Karelia Hall / Imatra City
Tue 4.10. at 8.00 pm Lappeenranta, Ravintola Lamppu / Lappeenranta Jazz Club ry
Wed 5.10. at 7.00 pm Savonlinna, Kulttuurikellari / Olavin Jazz ry.
Thu 6.10. at 19.00 Mikkeli, Bar Dom
Fri 7.10. at 18.30 Espoon modernin taiteen museo EMMA, April Jazz Club
School concerts:
Itä-Suomen koulu (Imatra), Lappeen koulu (Lappeenranta), Ruokolahden koulu (Ruokolahti), Meetalan koulu (Savonlinna), Ristiinan yhtenäiskoulu (Ristiina / Mikkeli)