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Mathias Sandberg Trio on 30-concert tour in June


Mathias Sandberg Trio – ”the hardest working band in the land” – embarks on a 30-date tour from Kolari in the North to Helsinki in the South!

Sandberg has been called "one of Finland's best kept secrets", the highly acclaimed guitarist and composer Mathias Sandberg is one of the hardest working jazz musicians in the country. He has studied at Manhattan School of Music in New York and Berklee College of Music in Boston and worked with artists such as Georg Riedel, Pierre Swärd, Peter Asplund, Nick Mancini, Jukka Eskola, Teppo Mäkynen and Manuel Dunkel. Sandberg plays a hundred or so concerts a year and has toured both Europe and the United States.

Together with his long-time trio mates, bassist Zacharias Holmkvist and drummer Stefan Brokvist, Sandberg is on the mission to "bring jazz to the people - not the other way around", and their touring schedule speaks for itself. Their music has been described as hard swingin', groovy and soulful jazz with strong melodic writing, rhythmically playful improvisation and a delightful, almost telepathic interplay between the three.

Sandberg's highly acclaimed trio album The Doctor (2020) has received both huge critical review and airplay on jazz radio stations in Europe, United States, South America, Asia and Australia.

”This is an excellent album... swings from start to finish” (Jazz Journal, UK)
”Superb debut album... such a fresh take on the genre...
his tone is gorgeous throughout... as tight as it gets.” (Rochester
City News, USA)
”Maailmanluokkainen on se sana, joka levystä The Doctor nousee
väistämättä mieleen...
yksi Suomen parhaiten varjelluista salaisuuksista. Todellakin!” (Karjalainen)
”The perfect musical medication for any occasion” (All About Jazz, USA)

Mathias Sandberg Trio - 2022 Summer Tour

22.6 klo 20:00 Station 23, Pietarsaari
23.6 klo 19:00 Fondis Street Jazz, Vaasa
27.6 klo 18:00 Juuan kirjasto, Juuka
28.6 klo 18:00 Sivistyskeskus Ahjo, Tohmajärvi
29.6 klo 18:00 Kotiseutukeskuksen navetta, Kontiolahti
30.6 klo 18:00 Kulttuurikeskus Poleeni, Pieksämäki
1.7 klo 21:00 Vanha Kaivos, Outokumpu
2.7 klo 19:00 Saimaa Jazz Festival @ Kulttuurikellari, Savonlinna
3.7 klo 16:00 Aholan talomuseo, Keitele
12.7 klo 21:00 Jumpru x OMJ Jazzpatio, Oulu
13.7 klo 19:00 Kauppatori, Haapajärvi
27.7 klo 15:00 Jazz-Espa, Helsinki
27.7 klo 19:00 Sääksin rantakahvila, Nurmijärvi
28.7 klo 20:00 Vinter Bed & Breakfast, Sauvo
29.7 klo 18:00 Vuojoen kartano, Eurajoki
9.8 klo 18:00 Havulan kotimuseo, Kalajoki
10.8 klo 18:00 kylätalo-konsertti, Rovaniemi
11.8 klo 18:00 Kotiseutumuseo, Kuusamo
12.8 klo 18:00 Nuorisoseuratalo, Tervola
13.8 klo 16:00 Kulttuurikahvila Helmi, Pello
14.8 klo 18:00 Kolarin kunnankirjasto, Kolari
15.8 klo 18:00 Myllykirjasto, Tyrnävä
25.8 klo 19:00 Kunnantalon nurmialue, Muurame
26.8 klo 19:00 InkJazz @ Ankkapurhan teollisuusmuseo, Kouvola
27.8 klo 12:00 Kirkkoranta, Taipalsaari
28.8 klo 16:00 Konserttitalo Mikaeli, Mikkeli
16.9 klo 19:30 Tampere-talo, Tampere
4.11 klo 18:00 Svenska Klubben, Tampere
5.11 klo 16:00 Svenska gården, Hyvinkää
6.11 klo 15:00 Åbo Svenska Teater, Turku 
