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Kehys ry looking for art project ideas to be carried out at World Village festival


Kehys - The Finnish NGDO Platform to the EU - is looking for art project ideas that bring up development issues and that are carried out among the general public at World Village Festival in Helsinki on May 23-24.

The year 2015 is the European Year for Development and development is also the main theme of the festival. The art projects are intended to bring the global development issues accessible to the public in a participatory and thought-provoking way. Sub-themes of the festival are inequality, global economics, environment and sustainable development, peace, as well as food and food security. Art projects are encouraged to focus on these themes. In addition, the UN Post-2015 agenda and the new objectives for sustainable development can be dealt with.

Proposals are welcome from all art forms. We encourage artists to cooperate with colleagues representing different cultural backgrounds, especially the so-called north and the global south. The selected art projects will be paid a lump sum.

Project proposals [description max 1 A4, CV('s) and request for financial compensation / "palkkio"] must be submitted by email by January 30, 2015:

World Village festival:
