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Kadi Quartet to represent Finland in Trondheim


This year's Finnish representative at the Nordic 'Young Nordic Jazz Comets' showcase in Trondheim is Kadi Quartet.

This year's Finnish representative at the Nordic 'Young Nordic Jazz Comets' showcase in Trondheim is Kadi Quartet. The band was selected out of four young and talented jazz acts at the YNJC Finland competition at Musiikkiteatteri Kapsäkki in Helsinki on Saturday 18.5.

The jury complemented the band's togetherness and richness of moods. In addition to the prize trip to Norway and a concert at the Jazz-Espa festival on Saturday, July 27th, the band received also a grant of 1.000 euros. The runner-up was Virta, who collected a prize of 700 euros. Veikki Virkajärvi was awarded as Best Soloist and the jury predicted a bright future for the young guitarist.

The jury consisted of drummers Hanne Pulli and Markus Ketola, and saxophonist Mikko Innanen.

The Europe Jazz Network General Assembly hosts the Nordic YNJC showcase this year, which means that there's a whole bunch of key jazz professionals present and eager to hear our Young Finnish Jazz Comets!

Congratulations to Kadi Quartet! 

Read more about YNJC at


Photo: Maarit Kytöharju
