Jussi Fredriksson Trio released their dark-toned album Archipelago Sea Tales right in the eye of the pandemic, and decorates the Finnish jazz stages with emotional tunes on their eight-concert tour on September 9–24, 2022.
The internationally acclaimed Jussi Fredriksson Trio’s newest album Archipelago Sea Tales (2021) tells sad and beautiful stories about the world’s most captivating archipelago. Pianist Jussi Fredriksson penned a new repertoire for the band, in the middle of the corona peak. Instead of the health crisis at hand, he drew inspiration from life by the Baltic Sea shore. His compositions are a wild journey from the islander folklore romance to the nature disaster that is facing the South-Western archipelago. The pieces paint a devastating picture of the state of the sea, but also spark hope and survival. Fredriksson’s music comes alive on stage with his trio staples: bassist Jori Huhtala and drummer Mika Kallio.
The story continues after the photo.
Finnish Jazz Federation’s essential form of operation is national touring. The annual touring activities enable approximately 100 concerts in 40 different locations all over Finland. The concerts mainly take place in Jazz Federation’s member organizations. Four of the tours are in-house productions, and five are produced in co-operation with external producers. In 2022–2023, the Jazz Federation runs a project, titled “Finnish Jazz Federation’s carbon-neutral touring model”. The aim is to map the carbon footprint and handprint of Finnish live music, and to develop Jazz Federation’s own tour system to become more environmentally sustainable. On top of the seven pilot tours that will take place as part of the project, the federation studies the imprint of this and other regular tours too. Read more about the tours and other activities on their new website that will be released in September 2022: www.jazzliitto.fi
Jussi Fredriksson Trio
Jussi Fredriksson – piano
Jori Huhtala – bass
Mika Kallio – drums
Tour Dates
Fri 9.9. Seinäjoki, Kalevan Navetta, Hugo hall (Ylistaron Kaukolankylän Jazz ry.)
Sat 10.9. Joensuu, Conservatory Hall (Jazzkerho –76 ry.)
Tue 13.9. Petäjävesi, Auditorio Miilu (Jazz Jkl ry.)
Wed 14.9. Oulu, Teatteri Rio (Oulun Musiikkijuhlat)
Thu 15.9. Jyväskylä, Siltasali (Jazz Jkl ry.)
Fri 16.9. Espoo, Kannusali (April Jazz Club)
Thu 22.9. Savonlinna, Kulttuurikellari (Olavin Jazz ry.)
Sat 24.9. SaloJazz, Musine (SaloJazz ry.)
Further info and press inquiries: Hei Hei Media, press@heihei.fi
facebook.com/suomenjazzliitto / instagram.com/suomenjazzliitto