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Hietsu is Happening's last event of the year approaches


Hietsu's traditional Lucia Day concert will be held on Tuesday, December 13, and delivers a downright sensational discovery.

After almost 800 years, the mythical, thought-to-be-lost and forgotten masterpiece of the early Renaissance, Lucia's Christmas Oratorio, will see the light of day. Its text is by Jacopone da Todi and Pietro Lunapagaia, the composition is by Mikael Innocentius and Antone L. di Basso, and it also contains traditional Catholic and folk elements.

At one time, the oratorio was performed exactly on the day of St. Lucia's death, December 13 and it was immensely popular and loved until the annals ceased to record it. The disappearance is still a mystery, but now the sheet music has been reconstructed and the first modern performance of the oratorio is possible. The work is very demanding and is performed by dazzling guests: Vesa Vierikko, Tuuli Lindeberg, Abdissa Assefa and Marianna Henriksson.

Unheard of is also the first piece of the concert, the Japanese Mioko Yokoyama's Song of the Shirt, which will be premiered by soprano Tuuli Lindeberg and guitarist Petri Kumela. The text of the work is a famous poem composed by Thomas Hood in 1843 about the miserable working conditions of a seamstress. The poem rose to a prominent position in the struggle to improve the unbearable living conditions of poor workers.

The event will be opened by Antti Nylén.

HiH! Nro 34: Hietsun Perinteinen Joulukonsertti
Tue 13.12. at 19 Hietsun Paviljonki

Mioko Yokoyama: Song of the Shirt
Tuuli Lindeberg, vocals / Petri Kumela, guitar

Lucia's Christmas Oratorio
(text by Jacopone da Todi and Pietro Lunapagaia, composition by Mikael Innocentius and Antone L. di Basso)

Vesa Vierikko, voice / Tuuli Lindeberg, soprano / Marianna Henriksson, harpsichord / Abdissa Assefa, percussion / Mikko Innanen, wind instruments / Antti Lötjönen, bass / Petri Kumela, guitar / Hietaniemi Renaissance Choir

Christmas music

Tickets €20/€10 Hietsu is Happening! - from the online store 
