Hanko Creative Music and Sound Workshop 24.-27.6.2019 (Hanko City Hall) is a workshop of music and sound in the beautiful seaside community of Hanko for everyone interested in creative expression and improvisation.
The course welcomes students, amateurs and professionals and is suitable for all instruments, composers and vocalists. The workshop will cover topics such as how to combine composed and improvised music; ensemble playing with techniques of chamber music; mixing styles of classical music, jazz, modern music and ethno and working with sound collage. No previous experience of improvisation required. Different elements of expression and group playing (e.g. communication, improvisation, finding and working on one’s own voice and expression) will be practiced on the four-day intensive course. The course ends with a concert where student and teachers perform together.
The workshop is led by renown Finnish saxophonist/composer Esa Pietilä (www.esapietela.com). who has gained international recognition with several projects, recordings and masterclasses. Pietilä has worked with several top-notch artists and ensembles such as Esa-Pekka Salonen, Avanti! Kamariorkesteri, Santtu-Matias Rouvali, Juhani Nuorvala, Eero Hämeenniemi, Pori Sinfonietta, Lappeenrannan Kaupunginorkesteri, Mikkelin Kaupunginorkesteri, UMO Jazz Orchestra, Zagros Ensemble, Veli Kujala, Raoul Björkenheim, Iro Haarla, Markku Ounaskari, Olavi Louhivuori etc.
Please note, that the course is limited to 25 participants - therefore it is advised to
confirm one’s place for the course in advance. Please follow the instructions below.
Some of the topics of the workshop will consist of:
“Focal Breathing and Intonation” - Becoming aware and learning to control personal breath cycles. A study in how all of us have a unique, natural sound and how that applies to ensemble playing and intonation.
“Rhythm, Melody and Dynamics (RMD)” – Understanding the relationship of how RMD work together in defining how we approach playing written and improvised music. In this section we will start to put together these aspects in a totally unique piece of music.
“Non-Linear Composition and Conducting Techniques” - This program will introduce ways of writing music using various graphic notations in addition to “Gesture Conduction.” Participants will write and conduct their own “spontaneous” compositions to be played by all.
“Learning Improvisation (in small & large groups) with rhythm, sound,
harmony & soundcolors” - Learning to use and adjust contrast & different textures
of orchestration with communication in group playing situation. The masterclass
reveals techniques and insights that one cannot learn from books etc.
The participation fee of the workshop is 400 € (not including meals or accommodation). As deposit of 200 € (50% of attendance fee) must be sent four weeks before the course to confirm one’s chair at the course. Please enroll on the course by sending your personal info to info@esapietilaproductions.com or calling +358 (0)400 815 007. The rest of the attendance fee is payed upon arrival to Hanko.
Possibilities for accomodation in Hanko: https://tourism.hanko.fi/majoitusliikkeet/
(Please note that the attendant of the course must cancel their arrival minimum 4 weeks prior the start of the workshop. The confirmation fee of 50% deposit is not refunded if cancellations are sent after that. A document from doctor or equally official statement of force majeure is valid for cancellation.)
For more info please contact: Esa Pietilä info@esapietilaproductions.com / +358 (0)400815007