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Hanko Creative Music and Sound Workshop 25. - 28.6.2018


Hanko Creative Music and Sound Workshop, June 25-28, 2018 (Town Hall, Hanko, Finland)

A workshop and masterclass of music in the beautiful seaside community of Hanko will present students to new techniques of expression and improvisation on their instruments in group playing situations.

The workshop led by renown Finnish saxophonist/composer Esa Pietilä and drummer/composer Harvey Sorgen from New York USA, will cover topics that will enable all of us to more freely communicate the music and sound we have inside of us. Very important is how all of this works in a group playing situation where we are “speaking” to one another and creating a communal vocabulary in sound together. The course is intentionally without any musical "genre" and will mix insights of jazz, classical contemporary music, ethno etc... ALL instrumentalists and singers are welcome.

Please note, that the course is limited to 25 participants - therefore it´s advised to
confirmn one´s chair for the course in advance. Please follow the instructions below.

Some of the topics of the workshop will consist of:

“Focal Breathing and Intonation” - Becoming aware and learning to control personal breath cycles. A study in how all of us have a unique, natural sound and how that applies to ensemble playing and intonation.

“Rhythm, Melody and Dynamics (RMD)” – Understanding the relationship of how RMD work together in defining how we approach playing written and improvised music. In this section we will start to put together these aspects in a totally unique piece of music.

“Non Linear Composition and Conducting Techniques” - This program will introduce ways of writing music using various graphic notations in addition to “Gesture Conduction.” Participants will write and conduct their own “spontaneous” compositions to be played by all.

Learning Improvisation (in small & large groups) with rhythm, sound,
harmony & soundcolors - learning to use and adjust contrast & different textures
of orchestration with commucation in group playing situation. The masterclass
reveals tecniques and insights that one can not learn from books etc.

The teachers, Pietilä and Sorgen will also instruct how to improvise freely without any
pre- planned game plan, chords structures, tonality, forms or structures etc. The course is executed in ”tailor made” form, depending on the number of students and which instruments are attending the course, taking account the skill levels of the students.



Daily Schedule:
10:00 to 12:30 - Morning session
14:30 to 16:30 - Afternoon session
20:00…Evening “jam” session
10:00 to 12:30 - Morning session
14:30 to 16:30 - Afternoon session
20:00…Evening “jam” session
10:00 to 12:00 - Morning session
13.00 -> Evening off - (voluntary) Sight seeing and sailing in Hanko - the
rest of the day
14:00 to 17:00 - Rehearsal and sound check for concert
20:00 - Concert!

The cost fee of the Workshop is 400 € (not including food or accommodation) A deposit of 200 € (50%) of attendance fee/confirmation must be sent in by April 15th 2018 to confirm his/hers chair at the course.

Please send Your personal info to for attendance. You can also call Hotel Bulevard at +358 (0)44 988 0886 to attend the course. The rest of the attendance fee of the course must be payed upon arrival to Hanko. Credit cards accepted.

We have made arrangements with Hotel Bulevard in Hanko for special rates on accomodation. They are available on a limited basis. Please contact them for the rate of the room at

Other possibilities for accomodation in Hanko:

Please note that the attendant of the course must cancel his/hers arrival minimum 4 weeks prior the start of the workshop. The confirmation fee of 50% deposit is not refunded if cancellations are sent after that. A document from doctor or equally official statement of force majeure is valid for cancellation.

For more info please contact: / +358 (0)400815007









