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Course for big band conductors in Oulu 28 July - 1 August


SBBY (Finnish Big Band Association) organises a course in big band conduction at Oulun Elojazzit. The course takes place from 28 July to 1 August and it is instructed by Tapio Maunuvaara (OASBB), Marjo Riihimäki and Antti Rissanen.

Max. 10 participants are accepted and the trainees will rehearse with the Oulu-based TT big band. The course will end with a concert at Rotuaari on1 August.

The content of the course includes conducting an orchestra and leading rehearsals, coupled with a number of technical aspects such as administration, financing, concert production and drawing up a programme.
The course fee 250 eur includes teaching and free entry to all Elojazz evening concerts.

Further information and registration: marjo.riihimaki(at)

Further information on the festival:

