Apply in English by sending the application to Please note that the application deadline is May 20, 2019 at 4.00PM.
Tour dates:
Tour 1: January 27 – February 9, 2020
Tour 2: May 4 – 17, 2020
Jazz Finland (Suomen Jazzliitto/Finnish Jazz Federation) commits to organise 5 to 8 concerts by the selected band within a period of two weeks, primarily through its member associations. In case of an exceptionally large band, the minimum number of concerts might be reduced due to financial reasons. Jazz Finland will produce the tour, pay fees and per diems to the artists and sound engineers, and pay all travel, accommodation and publicity- and marketing-related costs.
February - April 2020
Jazz Finland will support the tours of two groups or two production companies that actively pursue their goal, have a clear vision of what they want and a realisable plan with a budget to carry out their tour. In short, this production model entails that Jazz Finland supports each of the two selected bands/producers with a maximum net sum of 6.000 euros, or when the budget is below 12.000, with 50% of the costs. The applicants must provide a budget plan that states clearly to which expenses the support will be used.
Jazz Finland offers their sound equipment and tour bus (8 + 1 seats) for the selected tours free of charge. The applicant can apply for financial support from the Finnish Music Foundation and other parties; however, any funding applied or received should be stated in the application form and reported later. The co-producing party will be in charge of the whole production and execution of the tour, and they carry the sole financial and legal responsibility.
The Jazz Finland Board selects the four projects and notifies the appointed applicants in the beginning on June 2019. All applicants will be notified by June 20, 2019.
NB! Only ONE application per applicant. If you have several bands, applying with the group that is the most active and topical will maximise your chances of becoming selected.
The application must include the following information:
The type of a tour that you are applying for:
Jazz Finland tour: Jan 27 – Feb 9 or May 4 – 17, 2020
Co-produced tour: February–April, 2020.
- Name of the applicant
- Phone number
- Name of the ensemble
- Members of the ensemble and their instruments
- Description of the ensemble (founding year, description of the music and why the ensemble is topical in fall 2019)
- The most important performances and releases of the ensemble
- Music samples (online link/MP3 format)
- Link to the homepages
- When applying for co-produced tours, the application must also include a plan for the tour (tour dates and places, timetable, funding, producer etc.) and a detailed budget.
Please don't hesitate to contact the Jazz Finland office for more details, at