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Apply now for Bucharest International Jazz Competition


Application now open for Bucharest International Jazz Competition. The event takes place in May 2016. Application deadline is 10 February 2016.

Bucharest International Jazz Competition is ranked among the top three jazz competitions in Europe. Its mission is to contribute to the acknowledgement of the international jazz values. The competition is part of the major international festival EUROPAfest - jazz | blues | pop | classic, which presents over 300 artists from 45-50 countries.

10th Bucharest International JAZZ Competition 2016 - competition, concerts, workshops, jam sessions
Date: 14 - 21 May 2016
For: Instrumentalists and vocalists
Age limit: Up to 35 years old (born after 1st of May 1981)
Prizes: 7.000 Euro
Deadline for application: 10 February 2016 
