Jazz Finland LIVE support is now applicable until 15.12.2016 at Finnish Music Foundation. The support is for professional production of concert series and jazz club events in Finland.
The initiative, launched in 2015 by the Finnish Jazz Federation and the Finnish Musicians’ Union, strives to set up a general funding model in the Finnish music scene. By targeting financial support to local players, the venture aims to increase employment and the local availability of professionally produced cultural services and to improve the operational preconditions in the field in a sustainable way.
For successful applicants, funding will be offered to enable the activity of regular and high-standard jazz concert production. The scheme strives to provide the means and preconditions for the organisation of both Finnish and international artists’ shows. The clubs accepted to the club network will be fully in charge of the planning of their own programmes.
Subsidy granted by Ministry of Education and Culture amounts to approximately fifty percent of the fund. The extent to which local municipalities will participate financially, depends on the number of the concerts organised in the area. A sum 1,5 times larger than provided by the local municipality will be provided from the Jazz Finland LIVE. The remainder of the funding will be provided by music foundations and through the clubs’ internal financing.
Jazz Finland LIVE grant is now open for application. Instructions and further information can be found on www.musiikinedistamissaatio.fi/fi/jazz_finland_live_-tuki. Please ask for information about the application and the criteria of the support in English directly from the Finnish Music Foundation's mes(at)musiikinedistamissaatio.fi.