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Admission-free concerts added to the Pori Jazz program


As usual, Pori Jazz Festival will offer plenty of free-admission concerts in Kirjurinluoto. Several dozen concerts are offered free of charge in the festival area called Jazz Park.

The legendary Lokki Stage will feature a free-for-all concert on Wednesday, July 13th. The evening concert is arranged in cooperation with Satakunnan Osuuskauppa, and Erin will take the stage at 9 pm.

Satakunnan Osuuskauppa turns 105 this year. Pori Jazz’s long-term partner plays a key role in enabling the admission-free music experiences at this summer’s festival.

The concert tent Poriljonki will make its return when the festival kicks off. During nine festival days, the venue will feature the best of Finnish jazz as well as performers from other musical genres.

The free-admission programming for Lokki Stage and Poriljonki is now published on our website. Next week, we’ll also announce concerts taking place at Cafe Pori Jazz in Kirjurinluoto.
