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Jan-Olof Strandberg
Paul Jackson

At The Seasound


Cover art by J-P Rantanen

Album information

PerformerJan-Olof Strandberg
Paul Jackson
TypeCD + digi
LabelBackbeat Records

Produced by, Jan-Olof Strandberg & Sami Virtanen

Recorded at Seasound Studios, SV Studios between July 2010-January 2011 by Pirkko Tiitinen, Kai Jauhiainen & Sami Virtanen

Mixed by, Sami Virtanen

Mastered by, Jussi Salmela & Kai Jauhiainen

Design & photography by, J-P Rantanen 

Photography by Hannu Huhtamo, Leila Karvonen & Tiina Marjamäki

Video produced by, Petri Kallio

Video recorded at, Soundtrade studios  



Strandberg Project featuring Paul Jackson “At The Seasound” 

The album was recorded at the time of the Paul Jackson and Strandberg Project tour, at the Seasound studio in Helsinki summer 2010 and at the SV studio in the beginning of 2011.

The album is mainly a “studio live”, as a large part of the material was played and recorded in a concert-like sessions. The recording came out as a double album since there were too much material and none of it wanted to be left out. Nevertheless, some of the good “takes” still had to be dropped out from the final release.

Paul Jacson, vocals, bass & keyboards
Jan-Olof Strandberg, fretted & fretless bass
Jukka Gustavson, organ, keyboards & vocals
Sami Virtanen, guitar & keyboards
Jartsa Karvonen, drums
Mel Gaynor, drums
Dan Antone, keyboards
Aksu Ahlroos, drums
Mirka Rantanen, drums 


  1. Indian Funk
  2. Love Trusts
  3. Symphonic Shuffle 
  4. Dominique
  5. Progressive
  6. Tip Toe
  7. Pain
  8. Undercover
  9. Just Us
  10. Tom`s Nurses
  11. Midnight Seeks A Lonely Heart
  12. Tip Toe
  13. Dominique
  14. Everything You Got
  15. Indian Funk (Space Edition)
  16. The Groove
  17. Indian Funk (Live Video)
  18. The Groove (Live Video)