This year's Teosto Prize winner is published on April 10th in Helsinki. The seven nominated albums or other musical works include two jazz records.
The nominees are:
Antti Auvinen: Orior
Dalindèo: Kallio
Haloo Helsinki!: Maailma on tehty meitä varten
Juuri & Juuri: Pelimannit / Hiljainen haltioituminen
J. Karjalainen: Et ole yksin
Oddarrang: In Cinema
Risto: II
The Teosto Prize was established by the Finnish Composers' Copyright Society Teosto in 2003 to highlight fresh, original and innovative works. Each year, the Prize will be awarded to 1-4 works in any genre. The 40 000 euro Prize, now issued for the 11th time, is one of the biggest music prizes in Finland. In case of multiple winners, the prize sum is divided between the winners equally.