Tuareg guitarist and singer Ahmed Ag Kaedy will embark on a two-week tour in Finland in July.
Ahmed Ag Kaedy (b. 1979) is the leader of the esteemed band Amanar de Kidal and an intense solo performer. His performances are sensitive and atmospheric, strongly evoking the silence of the desert. During the first week of the tour, Ag Kaedy will be accompanied by Australian drummer Will Guthrie (b. 1977), whose background in jazz, traditional music, and experimental music practices brings a fresh perspective to the role of drums in modern Tuareg music.
Ag Kaedy grew up surrounded by the rich musical heritage of the Tuareg people, but he only started playing music during his military training in Libya. As a man of peace, he traded his rifle for a guitar and returned to his hometown of Kidal in the northern desert region of Mali. There, he formed the band Amanar, which soon gained recognition at the Festival au Désert, known as the "Timbuktu Woodstock."
In 2012, Islamist extremists took control of Northern Mali with the support of Tuareg rebels. Ag Kaedy's home was attacked, his instruments were burned, and the attackers threatened to cut his fingers if he continued playing music. Ag Kaedy was forced to flee to the greener southern parts of Mali, specifically to the capital city of Bamako. These experiences inspired Ag Kaedy to create his powerful acoustic solo debut album, Akaline Kidal (2019). The album was recorded during his tour in the United States in Portland. Throughout the process, he received assistance from Christopher Kirkley, who also released the album on his esteemed Sahel Sounds record label.
Ahmed Ag Kaedy has performed extensively in Africa, Europe, and the United States. This marks his first major tour in Finland.
with drummer Will Guthrie (AUS)
wed 19/7 Kokkola / Ykspihlajan kulttuuriviikko
thu 20/7 Pori / Validi Karkian Kesädimensio
fri 21/7 Tampere / Tavara-asema / Uusi Tampere -festival
sat 22/7 Helsinki / Lonnan saari / Odysseus-festival sun
23/7 Porvoo / Porvoon kulttuurilaiva
tue 25/7 Turku / Tuomiokirkon terassi
wed 26/7 Oulu / Mallassauna
thu 27/7 Kuopio / Pannuhuoneen terassi / Humu-klubi
fri 28/7 Rovaniemi / Ounasrinne
sat 29/7 Hämeenlinna / Suisto / Linnajazz-festivaali
Photo: Tieble Toure