Tampere Art Museum's TR1 Art Hall exhibits legendary jazz trumpetist Miles Davis' paintings, posters, photographic works and album cover art.
Miles Davis - paintings, drawings and photographs
Miles Davis (1926-1991) was perhaps the most influential jazz musician of all times. He released close to a hundred recordings, and composed many of the jazz classics we know today. Aside his musical career as a trumpeter, orchestal leader and composer, he had great talent in visual arts. Especially in his late years, he dedicated a lot of his time and creativity to painting and drawing.
The exhibition features Davis' paintings, posters, photographic works and album cover art mainly from 1981 onwards.
The exhibition is open until February 16th, 2014.
TR1 Taidehalli
Väinö Linnan aukio 13, Finlayson, Tampere
Tel. +358 3 5656 6411, tr1@tampere.fi
Opening hours: Tue-Fri 9–17, Sat-Sun 11–18, free entrance on Fridays at 15-17!
Exhibition organized by Reichelt und Brockmann, Mannheim, Germany.