Jazztrio HERD release their awaited Jazzbasilli album with vocalist Aili Ikonen.
The album portraits the Finnish jazz schlager era of the 1950s. The songs have gotten a new overdo, but the arrangements respect the characteristics of the hit songs like Laila Kinnunen's Pojat, Valoa ikkunassa and Suklaasydän. The Jazzbasilli album comes out on the Majava Music label in the 9th of October.
HERD and Aili Ikonen tour Finland after the record release:
09.10. Stoa, Helsinki
10.10. Suisto-klubi, Hämeenlinna
11.10. Lavaklubi, Helsinki
12.10. Pikkuteatteri, Lahti
15.11. Työväen Teatteri, Tampere
16.11. Poppari, Jyväskylä
22.-23.11. Kaamosjazz, Saariselkä
Read more about HERD at http://jazzfinland.fi/yhtye/herd and Aili Ikonen at http://jazzfinland.fi/artist/aili-ikonen