Helsinki Headnod Convention
Helsinki Headnod Convention is a open-minded and eclectic collective by producer Heikki Soini, saxophonist Jarno Tikka and a group of new generation´s top musicians. In 2018 the band released their debut album Eargasms for Short-Sighted Post-Truth Era People, that was well received internationally. The album was released by Record Breakin' Music from USA.
The second album is now in the making. British First Word Records already released a music video and song 'Ban Suits', that is made together with Finnish balett coreographer Jouka Valkama and dancer Ajak Majok.
Members of the Helsinki Headnod Convention:
Heikki Soini
Jarno Tikka
Tomi Nikku
Janne Tuovinen
Joonas Leppänen
Jukka Haavisto