Party of Four
Album information
Performer | NYConnection |
Released | 2012 |
Type | albumi |
Players |
Label | Jaskaa |
Producer | Jaska Lukkarinen |
On the Party of Four album, New York represents more than just a physical place: it’s about a sense of a spiritual, cultural and musical connection. The effortlessly swinging compositions of Lukkarinen and Assaf draw inspiration from the American jazz tradition and, above all, the New York way of life; their music is a reflection of the overall atmosphere and goings-on in the metropolis, whether on the streets or inside shady jazz clubs. Behind each piece is a story or a memory related to New York.
The album’s piano-driven sound is a fusion of rhythmically challenging melodies and seamless interaction that transcends geographical and musical boundaries. The result is a musical expression that is at once modern and respectful of traditions – a coming together of American, European and Israeli cultural heritage.
- Dat Deresäv. Bobby Timmons
- Out Nowsäv. Jaska Lukkarinen & Roy Assaf
- Can I Just Call You Davidsäv. Jaska Lukkarinen & Roy Assaf
- Fault Zonesäv. Jaska Lukkarinen & Roy Assaf
- Suddenlysäv. Jaska Lukkarinen & Roy Assaf
- Hey Man in the Linesäv. Jaska Lukkarinen & Roy Assaf
- Shilgiasäv. Jaska Lukkarinen & Roy Assaf
- Party of Foursäv. Jaska Lukkarinen & Roy Assaf