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Jonathan Bäckström Quartet

Jonathan Bäckström Quartet


Album information

PerformerJonathan Bäckström Quartet
TypeLP, digi
  • Adele Sauros
  • Benjamin Nylund
  • Jonathan Bäckström
  • Marcus Wärnheim
LabelWe Jazz Records

Sävellykset Jonathan Bäckström, paitsi Oni! Oni! Oni! Marcus Wärnheim
Äänitys ja miksaus: Abdissa Assefa
Äänitysassistentti Felix Holmberg
Vinyylimasterin leikkaus: JSA, Timmion Cutting, Helsinki
Bändikuvat: Jonathan Terlinden
Vastaava tuottaja ja design: Matti Nives



We Jazz released the self-titled debut album of the quartet led by bassist-composer Jonathan Bäckström in May 2024. Alongside Bäckström, the band features Adele Sauros, Marcus Wärnheim, and Benjamin Nylund.

Jonathan Bäckström is a bassist-composer from Kruunupyy, whose assembled quartet includes saxophonists Adele Sauros and Marcus Wärnheim, as well as drummer Benjamin Nylund. Sauros is known as a solo artist and for her involvement in Superposition and JAF Trio. Wärnheim is considered one of Sweden's rising jazz stars.

The quartet's debut album features eight tracks, all original compositions by the band that strongly lean on the creative power of improvisation. Their music falls within the continuum of acoustic free jazz, with reference points such as Ornette Coleman, Anthony Braxton, Art Ensemble of Chicago, William Parker, Peter Kowald, and Julius Hemphill. Bäckström describes the ensemble primarily as a "live band," and the album beautifully captures the live tradition of acoustic small group jazz.

Jonathan Bäckström Quartet's album has already garnered international interest, with the renowned Wire Magazine including their music on the upcoming WIRE Tapper compilation, which showcases noteworthy new music. Additionally, tracks from the quartet have been featured on BBC and American radio station WFMU.


  1. Street Dog
  2. Flower Growing, Dying
  3. White Like Silver
  4. Impromptu I
  5. Impromptu II
  6. Oni! Oni! Oni!
  7. Dvala
  8. Bygones